The Ministry of Mines and Energy has pledged to answer all phone calls promptly within three rings.
This was the commitment made during the launch of its customer service charter.
The chairperson of the Customer Service Charter Implementation Committee, Helena Itamba, commended the committee for creating the charter and encouraged the team to implement it.
"Because of poor service delivery, an experience will be reflected on us all from MME, it will not be referred to as the Helenas failure. People will say the ministry of mines and energy has failed us,they have failed to deliver the service that they have set in their charter."
The implementation and design of the charter were overseen by the Director in the Office of the Prime Minister, Susan Ntema.
"It's supposed to make sure that we are adhering to the promises you made. When enquiries are sent to your office, please make sure you respond within two days, as you have promised. Please do so, that is the most critical part."
The Executive Director of the Ministry of Mine and Energy, Penda Ithindi, highlighted some key areas of the charter.
"If I am expecting a recommendation and energy matters, I expect it in time in order for me to send it to the minister so that our stakeholder can receive the answer within 14 days so the other stakeholders, such as the generators or investors, will not say the recommendation took too long."
The Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo, emphasised the importance of employee attitudes, stating that the charter will not improve things unless employees change their behaviour towards the public, customers, and stakeholders.
"I think it's important because one thing to have is another to make sure that charter is implemented, and if we do not have a proper structure on how we are going to implement that, then we can have as many charters as you want to have; it's not going to make any difference." The public will continue to complain that we do not give proper services."
He further urged the public to hold the ministry accountable if it fails to meet these promises.
Charters have been translated into at least seven vernacular languages to ensure accessibility and further demonstrate their commitment to serving the public effectively and with a fast response.