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The National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) has suspended twelve members with immediate effect.

Announcing the suspension was the National Chairperson of the party Elia Kandjii, who said the reason for the action follows a 29 August incident where the group formed part of those who chased the Party Administrative Secretary from the Head Office and replaced all access locks, claiming that they were now the full leaders of the party.

The suspended members are Chief Rukambe Uazukuani, Tjizapouzeu Uahupirapu, George Muesee, Samuel Kaijata, Ngavipangurue Makari, Lazarus Kaapama, Nduno Mbaha, Ernie Putuaota, Mbahimua Kamukuendjandje, Okeri Uakukurama, and Clay Katjihingua.

Kandjii also announced the suspension of the Branch Coordinator in Okakarara Constituency, Moses Kangumba, who is accused of recording and circulating audio clips on social media platforms that allegedly contain threats to the lives of the NUDO party leadership and sowing division within the party.

"All the suspended members will be charged and be called before the disciplinary committee as per party constitution. The NUDO party will forcefully take any legal action against anyone who acts against the interests of the party and its leadership."

Contacted for clarity, the NUDO Secretary General Joseph Kauadenge said the suspended members would be disciplined within ninety days.

The party also announced that they will postpone the Congress to May 2025 due to financial constraints. 

They reasoned that it was a strategic decision to mitigate the risk and life-threatening situations that prevailed at the congress venue.

Kandjii announced that the NUDO's National Council took the decision to extend all leadership structures up until the next congress is held next year.

The National Council also resolved to call for the Electoral College on October 5, to be preceded by the National Council on the 4th, which will set the rules and procedures of the Electoral College.

"All National Council members and those who were aspirants for the presidential position will be contested for parliament lists. The National Executive Committee will establish a committee to work on the manifesto to be completed before the national council on October 4, 2024. NEC resolved to respectfully welcome NUDO members who are willing to engage with the party leadership on issues pertinent to party development."

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NBC Digital News


Lucia Nghifindaka