

The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP in the National Assembly, Lukas Hamata, says there is an urgent need for clean water in the Ohangwena Region, which can be addressed through the Ohangwena Aquifer 2.

The region, which is still experiencing water shortages in some parts, is home to over 245,000 inhabitants.

Hamata believes water extraction from the Ohangwena Aquifer 2 could provide and improve access to potable water for the residents and support agriculture.

Several key points highlighted by Hamata are water shortages, aquifer potential, boosting agriculture, job creation, and stressing the need for careful management of the aquifer to ensure it remains a reliable resource for the future.

Hamata called for immediate action from Parliament to investigate this project, emphasising that access to water is a basic human right.

"We cannot continue to sit here contemplating how to secure votes from the Ohangwena Region while its people are dying of thirst and hunger. I am sure you have all seen that footage of people from the Ondobe Constituency fighting and scrambling for drought relief food a couple of weeks ago and being forced to leave their homes to find water elsewhere. Today, we build on what has gone before—and for those who will come after—not by making promises, but by making good on promises, by delivering on commitments, and by having a sense of the future—of where we want to go and the communities we want to build. An inclusive and caring society in which fairness and equality of opportunity are the measures of our progress. Our people deserve it!"

Photo Credits
Parliament of the Republic of Namibia


Martha Mwafangeyo