

Banned Savo Nuts Private School learners to re-register in 2025


Learners at Savo Nuts Private School in the Ohangwena Region who are implicated in examination irregularities will be allowed to enrol in school next year.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Faustina Caley, announced this when she addressed concerns raised by Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Elma Jane Dienda about the future of the learners.

Caley clarified that the examination results of some candidates from the school have not been withheld but nullified due to evidence of malpractice.

Endola Police Station inaugurated


The police are stepping up their commitment to provide safety and security with the inauguration of a new police station at Endola in the Endola constituency of the Ohangwena Region.

The police station, which was constructed for N$42.5 million, is part of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security's efforts to bring services closer to the people.

Minister Albert Kawana says that the new facility, which is equipped with modern technology and 18 uniformed personnel, has all the tools needed to combat crime. 

Government increases water access in rural areas


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila handed over a borehole to the residents of Epembe Constituency's Ohamutwe-Tautende Village in the Ohangwena Region.

The project was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform to the tune of N$2.7 million.

The residents of Ohamutwe-Tautende and surrounding villages have been without clean water since independence and have depended on wells.

The government tried in vain to drill boreholes in the area several times, but the water was saline and the underground water quality was poor for shallow boreholes.

Oikuku, Ohamukwata now have potable water


Residents of Oikuku and Ohamukwata villages in the Ohangwena Region now have access to potable water after three decades of waiting.

The project is being carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform and the Office of the Prime Minister at a cost of N$3.6 million.

Ohangwena Governor Sebastian Ndeitunga urged beneficiaries to use water wisely and guard against vandalism.

The borehole can supply water to seven water points, cutting the long distances villagers had to travel in search of water.

Angola approves extension of Namibian farmers grazing


Namibia and Angola have issued a joint communiqué pertaining to the authorization of drought-plagued Namibian farmers to continue grazing their livestock in Angola.

This follows a meeting held in Angola last October where the importance of peaceful co-existence, particularly with respect to Namibian farmers grazing their cattle in Angola, was emphasised.

Jona Amunyela buried


A veteran of the national liberation struggle, Jona Amunyela, was buried at Odibo in the Ohangwena Region on Friday.

He died on December 13th, at the age of 66.

Amunyela joined the Swapo Party in 1970 and went into exile four years later.

He was trained in infantry at Kasapa in Angola, and in 1976 he was deployed to the North Western Front.

The same year, he went to Cassinga and Lubango, respectively, where they established the Tobias Hainyeko Training Centre.

National Assembly adopts Ohangwena outreach programme report


The report on the outreach programme to the Ohangwena Region, led by Deputy Speaker Loide Kasingo, which highlighted challenges faced by citizens, including drought, hunger, and limited access to essential services, was adopted after deliberations in the National Assembly.

The report covered diverse topics, including challenges faced by children walking long distances to school, issues with water pressure in agricultural areas, and the necessity for the Development Fund Bill.

Former NamPol chief Sebastian Ndeitunga appointed Ohangwena Governor


Namibian Police's former Inspector-General, Sebastian Ndeitunga, is the new Governor of the Ohangwena Region, effective tomorrow.

President Hage Geingob appointed Ndeitunga and relieved Walde Ndevashiya of his duties.

State House Press Secretary Dr. Alfredo Hengari made the announcement, stating that Ndeitunga is expected to ensure that all programmes and projects in the Ohangwena are fully implemented in line with the budgetary allocations.

Water shortages affect schools in Epembe Constituency


Some schools in the Epembe Constituency of the Ohangwena Region are currently affected by water shortages.

Limbandungila Combined School has been without water for over two months.

The school usually relies on water tankers, but their capacity does not meet the demand.

Distant man-made wells have become the only source of water for the school.

The geographic location of the school has also made it difficult for trucks to manoeuvre the sandy terrain.

One of the teachers, Claudia Hameva, says this has affected the learning process.

Okongo Hospital still without operating theatre


The Okongo District Hospital in Ohangwena Region is still without an operating theatre, which Health Director John Hango says remains a major obstacle to the adequate provision of health care systems in the region.

The non-availability of a theatre at the hospital has resulted in staff making use of the casualty or any other rooms available to conduct minor operations.

More serious cases, like caesarean sections, are referred to Onandjokwe Intermediate Hospital, which is 200 kilometres away.