The Prosecutor General's office is yet to decide on whether the state will prosecute two police officers who are accused of killing 30-year-old Keetmanshoop resident Elleste Plaatjie.

Namibian Police's Special Reserve Force members Mulisa Bernard and Wilbard Neshuku stand accused of killing Plaatjie about two years ago.

Plaatjie's murder case was provisionally withdrawn at the Keetmanshoop Magistrate's Court on the second of September last year.

The prosecution cited 'incomplete police investigations' as a reason for the provisional withdrawal of the murder case.

NamPol at the time informed nbc News that the police had failed to stage an identification parade, and this led the State to provisionally withdraw the matter from the court roll.

The police had since staged the identification parade and re-submitted the finalised docket for the decision of the prosecutor general, who is yet to announce her decision on the matter.

The ||Karas Regional Crime Investigations Coordinator Deputy Commissioner Nicodemus Mbango confirmed to the nbc that the police submitted the docket to the office of the PG some three weeks ago and that the police will follow up with the office.



Emil Xamro Seibeb