The Bukalo Village Council has yet again failed to successfully hold an election and swearing-in ceremony for office bearers after two PDM management committee councillors failed to show up, this morning.

 In what seems like a repeat of last week's boycott that led to a postponement of the ceremony, PDM members, Kamwi Sakutuka who is the current Deputy Chairperson of the management committee as well as Lawrence Mukena did not show up for the event. 

Reasons have not been given as to why the two council members did not pitch.

The duo were absent in the initial election and swearing-in ceremony that was meant to take place last week.

In the latest developments, council members in the management committee from the Swapo Party, including the current chairperson, Judith Mwilima, and ordinary members, Simataa Mubonda and Anoscah Mutumuswana were the only ones present.

Attendees as well as the nbc News team were requested to step out while councillors, including those of the Katima Mulilo town council and Zambezi Regional Council and the three Bukalo Village councillors, met in private for them to deliberate on the way forward.

The Presiding Magistrate, Davy Kambinda said, unfortunately, we are not able to proceed today, the council still has to sort out a few issues and once those issues have been ironed out in consultation with the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, then will be back.

The ceremony was meant to elect and swear in a new chairperson and deputy of the council management committee.

Photo Credits
Bukalo Village Council


Juliet Sibeso