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Some fishermen at Gobabis say the Tilda Viljoen Dam near the town is not safe to cross for those who don't know their way around.
nbc's video journalist Tuarimbara Kasuto spoke to some fishermen and residents of Gobabis.

The residents are using the place for recreational activities, and others are fishing in the river for their livelihood.

The dam recently claimed the lives of two Ministry of Health employees.

One of the fishermen, Michael Handumbo, believes that the concrete slab that serves as a solid surface for walking is only useful if you know the way; however, a single misstep could result in a person's death.

Handumbo has been a Gobabis resident for over twenty-three years now.

He says back then one could see the concrete slab, but that slab is now submerged underneath the Tilda Viljoen Dam and hardly visible.

He takes a swim in the dam to demonstrate what he means.

As can be seen, his chest is above the water; however, as he starts to move to the left, he cannot walk anymore and has to start swimming because he is no longer supported by the concrete slab.

He says he is willing to assist anyone who is willing to learn to swim, but he says it is risky to take on the responsibility of publicly teaching people to swim.

Handumbo notes that if there was an incentive, he would sit at the dam and assist residents with lifeguard duties for the festive season, as it would reduce drownings at the dam.

Bartemius Joy, who has been a Gobabis resident since 1983, says back then, the current location of the dam was in fact the entrance point to the town.

Joy says he fears crossing the dam via the concrete slab as it is too risky.

The Gobabis municipality proposed to NamWater that the dam be fenced off due to the loss of life in the town.

Photo Credits
nbc News


Tuarimbara Kasuto