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Police urged to prepare for upcoming elections


The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Albert Kawana, has advised the police to get ready for the upcoming elections.

Dr. Kawana was speaking at the Police Force Senior Command Conference at Ongwediva. 

The five-day conference is being attended by commissioners and their deputies from all the regions and other stakeholders. 

In his address, Dr. Kawana urged the participants to, in their discussions, deliberate on mechanisms to manage elections and gatherings such as rallies. 

Children's Parliament concludes


The 6th Session of the Children's Parliament, themed "Transforming Education in Namibia," resulted in the adoption of several key motions. 

Among the adopted motions were calls for increased funding for schools in marginalised communities, improved mental health support for learners, and the re-introduction of vocational training to reduce dropout rates. 

The young parliamentarians also emphasised the need for climate education in the national curriculum and measures to mitigate climate change impacts on education.

Kavango West Region prepares for new Civic Affairs Office


The Kavango West Region will soon have its own improved Civic Affairs Office.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has plans in the pipeline to construct a regional civic affairs office at Nkurenkuru.

Since the 2013 demarcation, the Kavango West Region still depends on Kavango East for some government services.

Currently, the region has a Civic Affairs Office that does not offer all the required services. 

The office is also understaffed, contributing to the high number of undocumented people in the region.

National Assembly objects 10 bills due to lack of quorum


Members of Parliament in the National Assembly have objected to the tabling of ten bills during Wednesday's session because of a lack of quorum.

Others, however, questioned the reasons for the objections, noting that the first reading of bills does not require a quorum, as no voting takes place at that stage.

Deputy Speaker Loide Kasingo emphasised the importance of members' attendance and participation, stressing that procedural delays waste parliamentary resources and time.

Home Affairs Ministry alerts on counterfeit birth certificates and IDs syndicate


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has issued a public alert regarding a syndicate engaged in the production and sale of counterfeit Namibian birth certificates and IDs. This illicit operation threatens the integrity of national documents and poses significant risks to national security.

Home Affairs Minister justifies N$8 million checkpoint


The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Albert Kawana, expressed satisfaction with the cost of the construction of the Onhuno police checkpoint, which amounted to over N$8 million.

Dr. Kawana responded to a question from the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader, McHenry Venaani, regarding why the ministry did not investigate what appears to be a misuse of taxpayer funds.

The upgrade of the checkpoint includes a shelter and office block with restroom facilities for officers and the public.

Home Affairs Ministry urges mass registration for national documents


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has reiterated its call to those who do not have identity documents to take advantage of the mass registration programme.

So far, 34,802 people have acquired national documents since the programme's introduction.

The campaign, which started in February, will run until July in all 14 of the country's regions.

Home Affairs Ministry registers 50,000 people


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has reached its target of registering 50,000 people for birth certificates and identification documents through the ongoing mass registration.

Additionally, 7,332 applicants were registered as stateless and undocumented persons.

The mass registration process, which commenced in February country-wide, will run until the 30th of July.

Citizens without identity documents are called upon to visit the registration points.

Hundreds flock to John Pandeni Constituency Office to obtain national documents


Thousands of Namibians are still without national documents. 

This is evident in the number of Windhoek residents who have been flocking to the John Pandeni Constituency Office to get their documents. 

Following the announcement by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security to conduct a national outreach programme for obtaining national documents countrywide, its offices have been inundated by people in need of these documents. 

NamPower spends over N$3 million on school fences in Epupa Circuit


The NamPower Foundation has fenced off Alpha, Otjerunda, Orumana, and Ehomba Combined Schools in the Kunene Region at a cost of more than N$3 million.

The Chairperson of the NamPower Advisory Committee, Simeon Amunkete, explained that a conducive environment plays a role in the academic performance of the learners.

The Education Inspector of the Epupa Circuit, Joshua Shikongo, commended NamPower for ensuring a safer learning environment for the learners.