About 124 learners from across the country were awarded as top achievers during a National Science Fair prize-giving ceremony.

The science fair was co-hosted by the National Commission on Research, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education Arts and Culture.

The annual National Science Fair aims to recognize learners with the best science Fair project and assist them to explore their environment and provide an educational experience through participation in scientific research.

The Minister of Education Arts and Culture Anna Nghipondoka at the event stressed that the competition will allow learners to adapt to the Science world.

She added that through the project learners will develop skills, creativity and teach them how to communicate their findings.

Since 2016,  the National Science Fair projects have been put on hold due to a lack of funding.

The categories include animal science, chemistry, environmental science, plant science, energy, and electricity among others.

//Kharas region scooped the top award. 
The primary winners walked away with a certificate, trophy, N$500 vouchers and N$1 000.

Some contenders received Gold, silver and bronze medals only.  

The event was attended by both primary and secondary school learners. 


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Lucia Nghifindaka