Contrary to popular belief that Valentine's Day is only for lovers, the learners at Learning Right Kiddies Center celebrated the day by showing love to one another.
Valentine's Day symbolizes love, kindness, and friendship—all the positive feelings that everyone should get nourishment from in life.
For the children and teachers at Learning Right Kiddies Center, the day was an opportunity to let those they love know how much they love and appreciate them.
A teacher, Dantago Garises, believes that if children are taught how to love one another, this could reduce the cases of GBV in the country.
"It is very important because you need to know how to love yourself in order to love others, so at a young age, you already know that you love yourself, and the more love you have for yourself, the easier it will be for you to give to someone else. It is very important."
She encourages Namibians to instill self-love in their children at an early age to avoid self-hatred that results in them growing bitter.
"We are trying to teach the children from a very young age to learn to love each other, their uniqueness, and their different abilities just to embarrass one another, as well as the different culture that we have here, and just to share love and spread love generally," says one teacher.
On this day, people greet loved ones, close friends, and family members by sending cards, flowers, and other gifts to them. Valentine's Day gifts often come packed in a red, heart-shaped box.