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MPs in the National Council are calling for an urgent intervention to address the appalling state of the health facilities across the country, describing it as shocking.

This came to light when MPs shared their views on a report by the Standing Committee on Health, Social Welfare and Labour Affairs before the house went on recess.

A lack of adequate health facilities and referral centers as well as decrepit ambulances are some of the issues contained in the report on the state of Namibia's health provision compiled after the committee visited various health facilities across the country.

Katutura East Constituency Councillor Richard Gaoseb, was one of the MPs who complained about the state of ambulances saying it compromises effective service delivery.

He suggested that the ministry do away with the middlemen in the procurement of crucial services and enlist the services of VTC graduates to repair the ambulances, in particular.

Okahandja Councillor Bethuel Tjaveondja suggests that the Ministry be exempted from lengthy procurement processes to fast-track some of its activities.

Opuwo Urban Constituency Ueutjerevi Ngunaihe expressed his concern about the long queues patients are subjected to in the scorching sun at Opuwo hospital.

Kabbe South Councillor John Likando wants the issue of referrals at the Rundu Intermediate Hospital addressed.

Photo Credits
National Council Namibia


Jefta Tjihumino