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Goeieman urges government to recognize traditional medicine


The Councillor of Berseba Constituency, Jeremias Goeieman, has called on the government to recognize traditional medicines and regulate their use.

Speaking in the National Council, Goeieman argued that traditional medicines are more affordable and accessible than conventional treatments.

He added that traditional medicines have properties that could stabilize hormones and strengthen the immune system.

Berseba Constituency learners receive school shoes from Firmaro Fishing company


Learners in the Berseba Constituency can now walk with shoes on their feet, thanks to a donation from the constituency office, sought through support from the private company Firmaro Fishing. 

Berseba Constituency Regional Councillor Jeremias Goeieman said during the handover that the new shoes would help restore beneficiaries' dignity.

Learners of Kaitsi!Gubeb, Bethanie Primary School and Klein Vaalgras Primary School all benefited from the donation.

Each school received 20 pairs of school shoes, valued at N$15 000.