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National Council Members applaud the Finance Minister for the early budget table 


Members of Parliament in the National Council have applauded the Minister of Finance for tabling the budget ahead of schedule this year as compared to previous years.

In a recent discussion on the national budget, lawmakers expressed their support for the budget, which saw various sectors allocate additional funds.

Numerous proposals were also brought up during the session to tackle a range of concerns, including wildlife conflict, unemployment, drought, road infrastructure, and health facilities.

PDM shots down the budget for 2023/2024 financial year


The Popular Democratic Movement's (PDM) Shadow Finance Minister has shot down the country's annual budget for the 2023–2024 financial year as nothing but the usual government rhetoric lacking any means for implementation.

As is customary, Nico Smit of the official opposition took the platform to open the general debate on the Appropriation Bill, tabled by Finance and Public Enterprises Minister, Ipumbu Shiimi, last week.

The motto of Shiimi's budget last week was an economic revival and caring for the poor.

The 2023/24 budget has allocated 10 million to green schemes projects


The government has allocated an amount of N$10 million in the 2023/2024 budget for the development of the Neckartal Dam Irrigation Project.

The project will run on two farms of a combined size of 11 000 hectares, acquired by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform.

Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi in his budget speech said that applications from private businesses to operate the Ndonga Linena, Uvhungu Vhungu, and Orange River Green Scheme Irrigation projects are still under evaluation.

The 2023/24 Budget caters for youth and women development


The government will fund various youth programs, aimed at capacity building and skills development.

In the budget tabled by the Finance Minister, Iipumbu Shiimi on Wednesday, funding is availed for charcoal production projects through the National Youth Service, as well as for a youth credit scheme and 121 rural youth enterprises, under the Ministry of Youth.

Iipumbu Shiimi revealed that Agribank has so far disbursed N$25,6 million to women and youth towards promoting inclusivity.

Finance Minister tables 2023/2024 budget


The Minister of Finance Iipumbu Shiimi has tabled a national budget of more than N$72,6 billion during the 2023-2024 financial year, in the National Assembly.

Just like in previous national budgets, the ministries of Education, Health, and Defence continue to dominate state allocation.

In his opening statement, Shiimi was hopeful for increased revenue collection - while forecasting good economic growth.

Notwithstanding the ramifications of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Shiimi's speech was centered on Economic Revival and Caring for the Poor.