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Abused four-year-old recovering


PS: Some parts of the attached video may contain images that might be deemed offensive to sensitive viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

The four-year-old girl from the Omaheke Region who was physically abused by her cousins is recovering well.

The Omaheke Governor, in company with some government officials and Standard Bank, visited the family to check on the girl's condition.

The girl from Ourunduwozondjima was mercilessly beaten by her three cousins, themselves minors, last month.

Cabinet makes decisions on Food Bank and Education


Cabinet took a number of decisions at its meeting this week in the interest of social development.

These resolutions relate to, among others, the Food Bank and the outcomes of the Namibia National Education Conference.

Announcing the decisions was Minister of Information and Communication Technology Dr. Peya Mushelenga.

Dr. Peya Mushelenga says Cabinet is in support of transforming the Food Bank into a Conditional Basic Income Grant.