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!Gawaxab, associates fined N$1 million for contravening merger regulations


The Namibian Competition Commission (NaCC) has fined the Governor of the Bank of Namibia, together with two other parties, N$1 million for contravening merger regulations.

The fine pertains to Johannes !Gawaxab's business undertakings before his appointment by the late President Hage Geingob as the Governor of the Central Bank.

!Gawaxab was appointed as Governor of the Bank of Namibia in 2020.

Botswana celebrates Dr. Hage Geingob legacy


Botswana held a state memorial service in honour of the late President Hage Geingob, honouring his legacy while cementing the relationship between the two countries.

The two Heads of State, President Nangolo Mbumba and President Mokgweetsi Masisi, hailed the legacy left behind by Dr. Geingob.

The relationship between Namibia and Botswana dates back to the days of Namibia's struggle for independence.

nbc commended for collaboration with regional broadcasters


The Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (nbc) has been commended for its collaboration and engagement with regional broadcasters.

Its role during the mourning period for the death of the late President Hage Geingob became more pronounced when regional and international broadcasters across Africa and the world had to take its feed to broadcast to their people.

The Executive Director of the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, Dr. Audrin Mathe says the nbc is admired in the region for the way it does things.

ICT Minister commends nbc for world-class broadcast of late President Geingob


The Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Emma Theofelus, made her first visit to the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (nbc) following her appointment in the portfolio.

Addressing nbc staff, the minister thanked the corporation for a world-class broadcast during the three weeks of mourning for the late President Hage Geingob.

Global dignitaries pay respects at President Geingob's funeral


A representative of King Charles III of the United Kingdom, Princess Anne, was among the people from around the world who attended the funeral service of the late President Hage Geingob. 

Princess Anne visited Casa Rosalia to personally offer her condolences to the former first family and sign the Book of Condolence. 

The Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group, Amina Mohammed, along with the UN Resident Coordinator in Namibia, Hopolang Phororo, also showed family support. 

President Mbumba thanks Namibians for unity during mourning period


President Nangolo Mbumba has expressed gratitude to Namibians for their conduct during the past three weeks, following the death of the late President Hage Geingob.

In a statement, President Mbumba said citizens conducted themselves in a dignified and orderly manner, calling it the greatest honour bestowed on the memory of the dearly departed Commander-in-Chief.

Following the death of President Hage Geingob on February 4, 2024, the Namibian nation went through difficult hours and weeks of grief. 

China acknowledges President Geingob's role in strengthening bilateral ties


China has acknowledged the late President Hage Geingob's leadership in promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between itself and Namibia. 

In 2018, China elevated bilateral relations with Namibia to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, the highest in foreign policy and anchored on the win-win principle.

Jiang Zoujun, the Special Envoy of President Xi Jinping, said China and Namibia will continue to pursue bilateral cooperation in various fields as they have over the years.

Hardap Region joins nation in honoring late President Hage Geingob


Mourners from the Hardap Region joined the rest of the country in ensuring that the late President Hage Geingob received a dignified and befitting farewell as a leader who had left an unforgettable mark on their hearts and the course of their shared history. 

They gathered at the Aimablaagte Community Hall in Mariental to join in on the livestream of the memorial service and burial, organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in Hardap Region. 

Namibians unite to pay respects to late President Geingob 


Namibians from diverse backgrounds and regions who were unable to physically attend the burial of the late President Hage Geingob came together to follow the proceedings through various nbc platforms, paying their respects to the leader in a collective moment of reflection.

While some watched the burial proceedings unfold on their television screens, others followed on radio and digital platforms.

Indeed, it was a solemn occasion that continued to touch many hearts and brought tears to those following and those presenting behind the scenes.