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Violent confrontation over secessionism averted 


A series of anti-secession demonstrations, held under the Swapo Party, that have been taking place in the Zambezi Region nearly resulted in a violent confrontation this weekend at Linyanti Village.

A rival youth group, in support of the Zambezi Region's secesion from Namibia, organised themselves to stop the Swapo Party demonstration.

The police intervened just in time to avert a physical confrontation.

Swapo had been organising a series of demonstrations in all Zambezi constituencies denouncing secessionist activities.

Contractors call for government support


The Construction Industry Federation held a demonstration in the capital, pleading for due recognition and support for local contractors from the government.

Demonstrators claim that the government has for years turned a blind eye to Namibian contractors' plight, leaving them without jobs.

They also want the government to create a more conducive environment in the construction sector and want to see joint ventures involving the majority Namibian-owned contractors given preference.

Rundu Christian Community denounces Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriages


The Christian community in Rundu, in the Kavango East Region, has joined the nationwide demonstration in denouncing the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriages solemnised outside Namibia.

They expressed concern that this ruling could establish a precedent for future legal challenges against laws criminalising sodomy and other same-sex practises.

The demonstrators marched through the streets of the town to express their opposition to the Supreme Court ruling.