Namibia increases Universal Education Grant


The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, says the Universal Education Grant (UEG) will be increased from N$200 to N$300 per learner for pre-primary and primary schools, and from N$300 to N$400 per learner for secondary schools.

MEFT increases compensation for human-wildlife conflict losses


The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism has announced an increase in compensation for losses incurred in human-wildlife conflict.

Minister Pohamba Shifeta says compensation is now set at N$100,000, up from the previous N$50,000. 

Electricity Control Board approves increase for bulk electricity tariffs


The Electricity Control Board (ECB) has approved an increase of 8.7% for NamPower bulk electricity tariffs, effective this month. That raises the tariff from N$1.82 to N$1.99 per kilowatt-hour.

The NamPower tariffs only impact 70% of distribution costs, with 30% being costs related to different licences.