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NSCO 2023 opens opportunity to offenders


A brighter future awaits four offenders who are incarcerated at the Windhoek Correctional Facility after they competed and bagged two silver medals at a recent 3rd National Skills Competition (NSCO) at Ongwediva.

The performance and sportsmanship displayed by the offenders left a mark on the Deputy Executive Director in the Ministry of Higher Education, Training, and Innovation, Dr. Raimo Naanda, who, in his personal capacity, sourced sponsorships to enable them to further their abilities once they are released.

Michael Amushelelo and Dimbulukweni Nauyoma acquitted


Magistrate Linus Samunzala has acquitted activists Michael Amushelelo and Dimbulukeni Nauyoma of all charges, citing poor quality and multiple contradictions in the evidence of state witnesses.

Amushelelo had spent close to seven months in incarceration since his arrest for independence this year.

The activist, along with Nauyoma and Inna Hengari, were arrested and faced several charges, including malicious damage to property.

IDU concerned over Israel's declaration of war on Hamas


The Vice Chairman of the International Democratic Union (IDU) and leader of the Popular Democratic Movement, McHenry Venaani, has also expressed concern over Israel's declaration of war against Hamas in the region.

In a statement, Venaani emphasised the distressing and worrisome nature of the ongoing conflict.

Venaani stressed that a lasting path to peace and stability cannot be achieved through continued conflict and military action.

He acknowledged the legitimate security concerns of Israel and the rights of its citizens to live in safety and peace.

Namibia condemns ongoing violence between Israel and Hamas


The Executive Director of the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Ambassador Penda Naanda, has issued a statement in which Namibia expresses concern and subsequently condemns the ongoing escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one that is long-running.

Hamas is fighting for the attainment of sovereignty for the Palestinian people, while Israel has been extending its borders into Gaza, a territory that forms part of Palestine.

7th ICT Summit underway


Information and communication technologies have become a necessity in almost all aspects of human existence.

It is against this background that key stakeholders in the industry are attending the three-day 7th ICT Summit, which kicked off in Windhoek this morning.

The digital age has rapidly evolved, and in this new age, ICT provides information at the press of a button.

Artificial intelligence is also slowly becoming popular, and according to experts in the field, ICT improves learning efficiency and simplifies information sharing, among other benefits.

Steve Biko Booys turns to High Court


Rape and incest-accused former Parliamentarian Steve Biko Booys, whose bail application was denied four times at the lower courts, has turned to the Windhoek High Court with hopes of regaining his freedom.

The High Court will deliver its judgement on Booys' plea for freedom on Friday.

The former Okahandja regional councillor has been in custody since his arrest in 2021.

Biko Booys was an outspoken regional councillor, and he became a member of parliament on the ticket of the Swapo party, with a seat in the upper house.

LPM wants Zimbabwe's Ambassador send back


Bernardus Swartbooi, leader of the Landless People's Movement (LPM), has called on President Hage Geingob to send back the Zimbabwean Ambassador to Namibia.

The LPM added its voice to that of various opposition parties in the SADC region that denounced the August 23rd and 24th Harmonised General Elections in Zimbabwe.

According to preliminary reports by SADC, the African Union, and several international election observer bodies, elections in that country fell short of several constitutional requirements.

Namibia's laws around inheritance described as discriminatory


The Executive Director at the Ministry of Justice, Gladice Pickering, has described Namibia's laws around inheritance as discriminatory.

Speaking on nbc's Wheels of Justice on Sunday, Pickering shared her sentiments, saying the situation is unfortunate and there is an urgent need for the revision of the Act in its entirety.

Gladice Pickering cited the Administration of Estates Act and the Native Administration Proclamation as some of the examples that are discriminatory.