Salomon April calls for collaboration between all stakeholders


The Governor of Hardap Region has called for collaboration between all stakeholders to ensure socio-economic development and economic growth take place in the region.

Salomon April made the call during the fourth annual State of the Region Address.

"I acknowledge the diverse political landscape in the region; however, it should be understood that when it comes to issues of socioeconomic development and upliftment of citizens' livelihoods, we should continue to hold hands. Combine intellects and pull in the same direction for development and growth."

Hardap Veld Fires Contained


The raging veld fires in the Hardap Region that destroyed large tracts of grazing land have finally been contained.

The fire started on resettlement farm Haribes and spread to other farms over the course of five days.

The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Hardap Governor Salomon April confirmed the devastating veld fires were put out around 19 hours on Wednesday.

He said the rain has also brought much respite in the battle against the fire.

First Lady Monica Geingos' #Be Free Movement hosts men's' cook-off competition


"Men are not the problem but they have a problem"

These were the words of the First Lady Monica Geingob speaking at the #Befree Cook-Off event" aimed at empowering a boy child and engaging men.

The #Befree Cook-off provides a platform for men to speak on issues that they go through and are not confident enough talk about. Topics such as sexual reproductive health, gender-based violence, and fatherlessness are just some of the few that don't receive the attention they need. 

Visually impaired people appreciate opportunities to participate in economic activities


A number of visually impaired people have expressed appreciation for the equal opportunities available to them to participate in economic activities to uplift themselves and their communities.

They were speaking at the International White Cane Safety Day themed "Unity is Strength" held at Mariental and attended by about a hundred visually impaired people from ||Kharas and Hardap regions.

The event was organised by the Southern Association for the Visually Impaired under the auspices of the Namibian Federation for the Visually Impaired.