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Late President Geingob's development policies commended


Ohangwena residents commended the late Geingob's policies and social programmes, which benefited the majority of Namibian people, especially the elderly, and helped boost development.

During a candlelight vigil, residents say they have lost an exceptional individual who was a diplomat, teacher, researcher, prime minister, and president. 

They vowed to honour his life and legacy of promoting unity, inclusivity, and solidarity.

Malaria cases expected to increase significantly during rainy season


Namibia has recorded a total of 1,345 malaria cases since November 2023 in malaria-prone regions.

Cases are expected to increase significantly during the rainy season.

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr. Ester Muinjangue, highlighted the ministry's concerns in an interview with nbc News.

Malaria cases have been on the rise in malaria-endemic regions.

Of the total 1,345 cases recorded nationwide, 133 were found to be severe and resulted in hospital admission.

Uukwambi Chief speaks against fencing of grazing land


The Chief of Uukwambi Traditional Authority, Ndilimani Iipumbu, and the Oshana Regional Governor, Elia Irimari, have joined forces to stop the illegal fencing of large areas of communal land, particularly grazing areas.

The governor, joined by various stakeholders, spoke about the issue during an engagement at the chief's residence in Onamega Village.

They have pledged to take decisive action against those engaging in fencing land, emphasising the importance of protecting valuable grazing resources for the benefit of the community.

Child abuse cases remain prominent 


A staggering number of reported child abuse cases are piling up at the offices of the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare (MGEPESW).

Deputy Minister Bernadette Jagger says her ministry continues to collaborate with stakeholders, particularly the police and the prosecution, to ensure that victims receive the required care.

Within its limited human resources structure, Jagger says her ministry has managed to second social workers to the gender-based violence protection units in the |Khomas , Kavango East, Oshana, and Kunene regions.

Disasters don't discriminate - Kuugongelwa-Amadhila


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says disasters, whether natural or human-induced, know no boundaries, nor do they discriminate based on social, economic, or geographic factors.

She made these remarks at the commemoration of the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction, held at Uukwangula Settlement in Oshana Region's Okatana Constituency.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says catastrophes affect the most vulnerable and marginalised communities, who often lack the capacity to cope with and effectively recover from such crises.

Eye camp concludes for 2023


Renowned ophthalmologist Dr. Helena Ndume, along with a dedicated team of medical professionals, has concluded this year's free eye clinic at Oshakati Intermediate Hospital with a focus on removing cataracts and restoring vision to patients.

This initiative has brought new hope and transformed the lives of 2,410 patients, comprised mainly of the elderly, in the Ohangwena, Omusati, Oshana, Kunene, and Kavango West regions.

Cataracts, a common cause of vision loss, have left many individuals struggling with impaired sight.

Oral Health Week launched


The Omusati, Oshana, and Ohangwena regions have taken a significant step towards promoting oral health and hygiene by jointly launching Oral Health Week.

The initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of dental care and encourage the community to prioritise their oral well-being.

Oral Health Week is a campaign aimed at educating residents in both urban and rural areas about the significance of maintaining good oral hygiene practices.

Health and social services of young Namibians expected to improve


Health and social services for vulnerable children, adolescents, and youth in Namibia are expected to improve through the five-year Reach Namibia Programme of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

The programme will invest about N$840 million in the provision of these services.

PEPFAR focuses on expanding access to HIV prevention, treatment, and care interventions.

NamWater removes wall interrupting water flow from Olushandja Dam 


NamWater has removed a wall that was built by individuals at Omuthitugwaamalwa Village to divert or privatise water.

The wall interrupted water flow from Olushandja Dam's south wall outlet into the Etaka-Uuvudhiya canal for some 130 kilometres.

The drought had left livestock without water in the Oshana and Omusati regions following poor rainfall.

Namwater then started last week to pump water as a measure of relief for livestock.

Some community members, however, build walls to divert the water from the canal for themselves.

TransNamib urged to integrate plan to maximise return on investment


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration wants to see TransNamib transformed to offer services par excellence and have an integrated master plan to maximise return on investment.

The Committee was in the Otjozondjupa Region, where it familiarised itself with the dilapidated structures belonging to the parastatal.

The oversight visit follows recommendations to TransNamib by the Ministry of Works and Transport and stakeholders to introduce a master plan integrating air, road, rail, and maritime transportation modes.