Newly constructed Hoachanas Periodical Court hears first seven cases


Seven cases were heard at the newly constructed Hoachanas Periodical Court today.

In a statement, the Office of the Judiciary said today's hearings signify the full operationalisation of the periodical court and mark the beginning of a new era for the Hoachanas community and the entire Hardap Region.

Rehoboth Baster community advised to apply for recognition


The Governor of the Hardap Region held a meeting with the Rehoboth Baster community in which the discussion centred around the identity of the community, their traditional authority, and their ancestral land.

Hardap Regions leads in meat consumption


The 2023 National Fish Consumption Survey indicates that the Hardap Region remains one of the leading meat-consuming regions in Namibia, with fish consumption still seen as a luxury. 

Reverend Gert Johannes Kooper buried in Mariental


The late Reverend Gert Johannes Kooper from the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church was buried at Mariental, Hardap Region, over the weekend.

Reverend Kooper died on July 13th, at the age of 61.

Resettled farmers use land optimally


Livestock farmer Joppie Cloete has overcome challenges and achieved great success on a resettlement farm through hard work and ingenuity.

Speaking to nbc News in an interview, Cloete explains that he diversified his operations in response to the ongoing drought conditions across the country.