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Home Affairs Minister justifies N$8 million checkpoint


The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Albert Kawana, expressed satisfaction with the cost of the construction of the Onhuno police checkpoint, which amounted to over N$8 million.

Dr. Kawana responded to a question from the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader, McHenry Venaani, regarding why the ministry did not investigate what appears to be a misuse of taxpayer funds.

The upgrade of the checkpoint includes a shelter and office block with restroom facilities for officers and the public.

Home Affairs Ministry urges mass registration for national documents


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has reiterated its call to those who do not have identity documents to take advantage of the mass registration programme.

So far, 34,802 people have acquired national documents since the programme's introduction.

The campaign, which started in February, will run until July in all 14 of the country's regions.

Home Affairs reports progress in mass registration drive amid challenges


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security says the mass registration process countrywide is making good progress. 

The Deputy Executive Director, Jackson Wandjiva, told nbc News that the ministry has so far achieved 70% of the set target. 

In February this year, the ministry embarked on a mass registration process to ensure that every Namibian without national documents receives them if they meet the requirements.

So far, about 35,000 people have been registered, out of the set target of 50,000. 

Stateless and undocumented persons flood kavango East office


The Home Affairs office at Rundu is inundated with stateless and undocumented persons who turned up for the mass registration process over the past few weeks. 

Stateless and undocumented people of all ages have been flooding the home affairs building in the hopes of getting registered and possibly qualifying for Namibian social grants. 

That is the word on the street, but the Deputy Director of Civil Registration in the northeast, Fillemon Shipena, says they have been misinformed. 

Home Affairs office at Nkurenkuru understaffed


The Chairperson of the Kavango West Regional Council, Joseph Sikongo, calls on the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security to increase the staff numbers at the Nkurenkuru Home Affairs office.

The office is reportedly only operating with two staff members.

The Chairperson of Kavango West Regional Council says the office is supposed to serve all eight constituencies in the region.

Recently, he brought 15 people from Tondoro Constituency to acquire national documents, which was too much for the office to process at that particular time.

Home Affairs receives 400 bags of cement


Ohorongo Cement and Pupkewitz Megabuild handed over 400 bags of cement for the construction of accommodation for police officers deployed at border posts.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Dr. Albet Kawana, who received the donation, commended the two companies for responding to the Ministry's call.

Earlier, Dr. Kawana said accommodation for the police force was a pressing issue that needed a solution

Home Affairs Ministry takes steps to enhance civil registration and identification processes


The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Dr. Daniel Kashikola, has taken a significant step towards enhancing civil registration and identification processes by tabling a comprehensive bill in Parliament.

The proposed legislation aims to modernise and streamline the existing civil registration system, ensuring efficient and accurate recording of vital events and providing individuals with a secure legal identity.

Dr. Albert Kawana gives clarity on recent recruitment of police cadets


Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security Minister Dr. Albert Kawana has provided clarity on the recent recruitment of police cadets, saying Namibians from across the board were represented.

Dr. Kawana says despite many quarters viewing the recruitment process as having been on tribal lines, each region was accommodated under the principles of the Namibian House and building unity.