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Healthcare services in Kavango East affected by growing population


Healthcare services in the Kavango East Region are unable to cater to the region's population growth. 

Kavango East Governor, Bonifatius Wakudumo, says health facilities are crumbling under pressure, not only from locals but also from patients needing treatment from neighbouring Angola. 

The region is vast, and locals who can afford it are sometimes forced to travel long distances for medical care, but for the unfortunate majority, it is a different story. 

In March, four minors from Livayi village died of suspected food poisoning. 

Four minors suspected of food poisoning laid to rest in mass grave in Kavango East


Four minors from Livaye Village in Kavango East who died from suspected food poisoning were buried in a mass grave over the weekend.

Eight children initially ate the food, of whom four died and the others survived, while the remaining four were discharged.

The incident happened on February 26.

According to family members, a 13-year-old boy had prepared a lunch of porridge and mutete, which the children consumed.

Another meal of porridge and soup was prepared by an older relative for supper, which the minors also consumed.

Kayova Lodge employees and Kavango East community demand removal of lodge manager


Employees of Kayova Lodge and the community in Kavango East are demanding the removal of the lodge's manager.

They claim that the management has diverted from the project's initial plan, from which the community was due to benefit.

The lodge was established for the development and upliftment of the community.

The target was the implementation of a kindergarten, a water project, and orphanages.

The project was founded by the late Catholic father Klaus Denner from Germany in 2003.

Kavango East takes a firm stand against crime


The governor of Kavango East Region says the region's leadership is determined to fight criminal activities there.

Bonifatius Wakudumo made the commitment during the leadership's meeting with Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo.

About two months ago, residents of Kavango East gathered in numbers to express concerns about the high crime rate in the region. 

Soon thereafter, resolutions were taken, which led to the establishment of a regional crime prevention forum.

Wakudumo calls on absent fathers to be involved


The Governor of Kavango East Region, Bonifatius Wakudumo, has called on absent fathers to make it a point to be involved in their children's lives.

He emphasised that fathers who do not offer support to their children often burden already struggling mothers with that responsibility.

The Kavango East Governor also stressed that it is about time the region made use of its abundant resources.

Wakudumo says the region has something up its sleeve in terms of small-scale farming.

Kavango East Governor recalls challenging times


The Kavango East Region has experienced a number of unfortunate incidents that have resulted in the loss of lives. Its Governor, Bonifatius Wakudumo, highlighted some of those in his State of the Region Address.

It was an incident that shocked not only the region but also the entire country.

16 people belonging to one household all died after eating what was believed to be toxic porridge.

Kavango East region records gains in past year


The Governor of the Kavango East, Bonifatius Wakudumo, says despite the hardships experienced in 2022, the region also recorded moments of wonder and joy. 

Wakudumo delivered his state of the region address in Rundu today. 

In his address, the Governor highlighted successes made in education, health, and agriculture.

Our region's 37.5% share in the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level examination achieved the number one (1) position nationally.

Kavango East Bonifatius Wakudumo and other political leaders visit the bereaved family


The Governor of Kavango East Region, Bonifatius Wakudumo and other political leaders paid homage to the bereaved family at Kayova village in the Ndiyona Constituency.

Mourners flocked to the household of Godfried Shishugho Kangungu at Kayova village to console the family that has lost 15 family members within four days.
Kayova village is 120 kilometers from Rundu. It is a difficult time for this family and villagers, where every day, they are informed that one of their own has died. 

Kavango East farmers optimistic for a bumper harvest after attending GIZ training


Subsistence farmers in the Kavango East Region are optimistic for a bumper harvest, which they attribute to the training they received from the German development agency, GIZ, on climate change.

Farmers who have been attending training on conservation agriculture from GIZ since 2011 are confident of good harvests despite poor rainfall this year.

RANI Group of companies donates wheelchairs to Rundu hospitals


At least 50 patients with disability in the Kavango East Region received wheelchairs at Andara Hospital courtesy of RANI Group of Companies.

The are 101 people both children and adults who are in need of wheelchairs.

The latest beneficiaries are 12 patients at Andara, 12 at Nyangana, 12 at Sambyu, and 14 at Rundu Intermediate Hospital.

Of these 21 are children who require their size wheelchairs.