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Swapo Party Youth League engages Vice President Nandi-Ndaitwah


The Swapo Party Youth League held a question-and-answer session with the Vice President and party presidential candidate, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, at Rundu. 

The session provided a platform for the youth to express their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations.

Questions asked covered challenges faced by youth, such as education, student life, and unemployment.

SPYL engages Rani Group of companies


In an effort to address concerns related to working conditions and the labour hire system, the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has entered into discussions with the Rani Group of Companies.

This follows the suspension of several employees by the company in the wake of a protest.

Central to the dispute are alleged unjustifiable salary deductions by Employees Placement Services Namibia, a labour hire company contracted by the Rani Group.

Swapo Party Youth League advocates for construction of referral hospital


The Swapo Party Youth League has called on the government to start with the construction of a referral hospital in the northern regions to alleviate the growing congestion of patients at the Central and Katutura State hospitals.

The league's Secretary for Information, Publicity, and Mobilisation, Moses Shikerete, listed a range of issues that the latest Swapo Congress has decided on but that remain unattended.

Government urged to make the youth the centre of discussions


The Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has called on the government to make the youth the centre of discussions around the green revolution and other opportunities available for the youth.

The appeal comes as they mark International Youth Day today.

The day is celebrated under the theme "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World, which the SPYL says is befitting as Namibia pursues the path towards the green revolution.

Swapo Party Youth League over the nonpayment of an integrated electronic system


True Media Trading is suing the Swapo Party Youth League for N$14 million over the nonpayment of an integrated electronic system.

This is contained in documents filed with the Windhoek High Court.

The Swapo Party youth wing allegedly failed to honor an agreement for services rendered.

In 2018, the company says the two parties entered into an agreement that would see True Media Trading CC design and supply an Integrated Membership Management System (IMMS) at various SPYL offices.

SPYL establishes research desk


The Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has established a research desk to review the effectiveness of youth empowerment policies.

SPYL's Secretary for Information and Mobilization, Moses Shikerete, made the announcement at Rundu.

Shikerere says the SPYL is concerned with the slow implementation of programs and policies aimed at youth empowerment.

SPYL unhappy with re-opening of Rundu Cash and Carry


The Swapo Party Youth League is dismayed by the re-opening of the Rundu Cash and Carry supermarket before a re-inspection of expired goods was carried out.

The shop was reopened following the Rundu Town Council's signaling of the green light.

A video of expired goods being handled went viral on social media.

Based on that evidence, health inspectors from Rundu Town temporarily closed the main shop after discovering more expired goods on the shelves.

The shop was closed until it could prove that it met hygiene standards.

SWAPO regional coordinator call on SPYL to be exemplary in society


The Swapo Party Regional Coordinator in the ||Kharas Region, Matheus Mumbala, called on the Swapo Party Youth League leaders to be exemplary in society and remain disciplined.

The Youth League meeting was held in anticipation of the Swapo Parties Regional Executive Committee meeting scheduled to take place next week.

Revival of Onehanga Youth Agricultural Project yields no fruit


Efforts to revive the Onehanga Youth Agricultural Project in the Ohangwena Region's Okongo Constituency have not yielded fruit to date. 

The project was introduced 23 years ago when the Swapo Party Youth League in Ohangwena was given land at no cost by the late Headman of Onehanga Village, Fillipus Haukongo, as an income generation and employment creation project.

The SPYL Ohangwena Branch then handed over the land to the Ohangwena regional youth forum to run it on its behalf, which then started looking for funds to get the project off the ground.