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Omatako youth demand agricultural land


The community of Omatako in Tsumkwe West demonstrated against the !Kung Traditional Authority regarding the alleged denial of land for a proposed youth development project.

They handed over a petition to the senior councillor on behalf of Otjozondjupa Governor James Uerikua.

The youth project was proposed by the San and a final-year student at UNAM Matambo Kambila studying in the field of agriculture.

The intention was to keep young people busy, reduce the high crime rate, create jobs, and reduce poverty.

City of Windhoek workers demand 10% salary increment


The City of Windhoek's employees are demanding a 10 percent salary and wage increment for 2023–24 to cope with the ever-increasing cost of living.

Protestors say necessities such as fuel and food have become costly while their salaries have remained stagnant for the past four years.

In addition, the city has also increased its rates and taxes by 4.5%, while the electricity rate went up by 8.6%.

Also on the list are free parking spaces, permanent appointments, a stop to outsourcing services while there is internal capacity, nepotism, and corruption.

NHE employees vote to strike


Employees of the Namibia Housing Enterprise (NHE) have voted in favour of engaging in industrial action.

Workers, represented by the Public Service Union of Namibia (PSUN) conducted a vote on whether or not to strike, with 90 percent of workers voting in favour.

The development follows the company's failure to satisfy the workers' demand for a once-off payment of N$15 000, instead of salary increments, which it has stated it cannot afford. 

Katima Mulilo residents demand land delivery from Town Council


A group of residents at Katima Mulilo in Zambezi staged a demonstration, demanding land delivery from the Town Council.

The demonstrators are also accusing the Town Council of allegedly failing to implement development projects promised during the elections.

"Unnecessary suspension of employees became rife here in Katima Mulilo Town Council, the delay of interview results, resulting in the appointment of any staff to occupy department positions which they or one does not qualify for."