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A group of residents at Katima Mulilo in Zambezi staged a demonstration, demanding land delivery from the Town Council.

The demonstrators are also accusing the Town Council of allegedly failing to implement development projects promised during the elections.

"Unnecessary suspension of employees became rife here in Katima Mulilo Town Council, the delay of interview results, resulting in the appointment of any staff to occupy department positions which they or one does not qualify for."

They also want the Chief Executive Officer to place employees in fields where they qualify.

Mwemba also claimed that the group had information that N$10 million was available for revamping town roads and potholes.

However, he says the money was not used for this purpose.

"We, the residents, demand a full report on how the N$ 10 million was used and explain why the road construction hasn't started up to now. We demand a proper sewer system within 30 working days because we have been told all along that money was available to revamp this system. We demand the pre-paid water system to be activated in town here in Namibia, and we demand more vending points around town to make water vending customers easier"

They have given the council five days to relocate former illegal land grabbers whose structures were demolished, as the rainy season is around the corner. 

"Since the eviction of Lwanyanda and Cowboy took place, there has been no solution and the rainy season has approached. People are just kept like refugees in trees. Even refugees who come from our beloved African countries are treated better. Why do we have some refugee camps in Katima Mulilo town?"

Deputy Mayor Chistinah Simanga received the petition.

Photo Credits
Katima Mulilo Town


Sililo Mubiana