The ||Kharas Regional Education Directorate has a management plan in place to deal with learner placement challenges when the new academic year kicks off on Monday.

This was said by the Regional Education Director of the ||Kharas Region, Jesmine Magermann, in her update on the placement of learners.

Magermann says no learners will be left out despite placement challenges that may arise due to last-minute learner enrolments.

"Our biggest challenges are normally in Luderitz and Keetmanshoop. In Luderitz, the Inspector of Education already indicated to me yesterday that parents were queuing up because, as usual, they did not apply for admission for the children at the schools. However,  we already looked at possible ways. If there is an overflow of learners in Luderitz, we have the Teachers Resource Centre, where there are four classes, and we will definitely make use of those."

To address classroom overcrowding and placement challenges, says Magermann, the regional education directorate is also ready to provide transport to Vaalgras for students from low-income families who respond to the invitation to enrol their children at the recently built Vaalgras Primary School.

Magermann says the regional education directorate does not anticipate placement challenges for Grade 8 learners.

According to the regional education director, Suiderlig High School at Keetmanshoop has been earmarked for the potential overflow of advanced subsidiary-level learners. 

350 learners in ||Kharas Region's 2023 NSSCO class qualified to pursue the NSSCAS certificate.



Luqman Cloete