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In her maiden speech in the National Assembly, Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Katrina Benz emphasised the need for enhanced service delivery across public institutions.

Quoting the late Nelson Mandela, Benz stressed the significance of making a tangible difference in the lives of Namibian citizens. 

She underscored the importance of representation in politics, advocating for inclusivity across all demographics to foster a diverse and respectful environment where every voice is heard.

"We need to be deliberate about making a meaningful difference in the lives of our people. We need to be driven by a sense of purpose in our everyday lives. We need to embrace the culture of Ubuntu and care for one another. We need to realise that we are here in Parliament to represent our people and to make laws in the best interest of every Namibian citizen."

Highlighting the dire situation in Rehoboth, Benz called attention to the lack of streetlights posing a threat to women's safety, inadequate infrastructure, unemployment among youth, and drug abuse exacerbated by inefficiencies within the local police force.

"The level of drug abuse in Rehoboth is beyond our comprehension. This is made worse by the situation at the police station in Rehoboth, which is at a critical stage. Little to no progress is made during investigations, and the police officers seem to be working hand in hand with the drug lords in the town."

Benz issued an urgent plea to the police to address the escalating drug abuse in Rehoboth and capacitate the law enforcement officers.

