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The President of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) says NamPort is one of the few parastatals without major corporate governance erosion.

McHenry Venaani made the remarks as he concluded his familiarisation visit to the coast.

"There is corporate governance credibility in the company; they are making profits, but there are also quite a number of challenges we looked at, and I said one of the challenges is that fewer and fewer Namibians are benefiting from downstream companies; the companies that were doing services there have remained the same for the last 34 years, and we are saying we need to open up and bring younger companies that also bring young women, the youth."

Venaani, who has aspirations to become president of Namibia, also visited the Okapale fishermen at Walvis Bay.

Farm 37, an area on the outskirts of Walvis Bay, was also featured on the PDM president's visit.

"We are seeing the developmental challenges of proper sanitation and water, medical facilities, but those are challenges of development, but generally, I'm pleased that at least the people have a piece of land they can call home. One would wish to see some projects, maybe an irrigation project, for the communities to really have self-sustaining projects."

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NBC Digital News


Renate Rengura