Communities in the Otjozondupa Region cited unemployment, a lack of infrastructure, and bulk services as areas that need urgent attention.

The inhabitants revealed this to the officials of the National Planning Commission (NPC) during their visit to the region.

To finalise the 6th National Development Plan, the NPC is conducting consultations in the region for their input and to understand the challenges they face.

The NPC Executive Director, Wilhencia Uiras, says all institutions implementing developmental projects and providing services also need to engage communities.

She says the formulation and implementation of the 6th NDP prioritise inclusivity, equity, and sustainability.

The National Development Advisor, Ester |Nanus, spelt out the economic, social, environmental, and governance challenges they observed in the Otjozondjupa Region.

The National Planning Commission will host a conference in May to consult key sectors that they might have missed during their regional visits.

Constituency councillors at the meeting also submitted other challenges from their areas that the National Planning Commission may have missed during their visits to all constituencies in the Otjozondjupa Region.

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NBC Digital News


Eveline Paulus