At least 24 low-income earners at Nkurenkuru's Kakuro location in Kavango West Region received houses built under the Shack Dwellers Federation (SDFN).

The project began on December 1, 2021.

About 50 plots were allocated to the Shack Dwellers Federation in December 2021 by the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni.

The houses are valued at close to N$42,000.

Of those 50 plots, 24 have so far been completed, with the remainder set for completion by the end of the year.

Handing over the houses to their new owners, Urban and Rural Development Minister Erastus Uutoni expressed appreciation for the Shack Dwellers Federation's efforts at helping improve the country's housing backlog.

"Government recognises everyone's right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate housing, and the provision of basic infrastructure and services remains one of our top priorities at all levels of government, whether central, regional, or local. This is why, as a nation, we have made the provision of land and access to decent housing one of the key development priorities, as encapsulated in our Vision 2030, National Development Plans, and the Harambee Prosperity Plan II. In that light, I would like to thank those who have completed their houses and are moving in as of today."

He noted that the waiting list for housing is long and that Nkurunkuru Town Council needs land.

Land owners, he said, are reluctant to avail their mahangu fields for housing development, citing compensation constraints.

"In our budget, there's a small amount of money allocated for compensation because of your worship. You told me that a number of community members are ready; they understand that yes, the population is growing and they can pave the way for development, but the challenge is finding money to compensate them. Again, CEO and Mayor, knock at the office. There must be something little for compensation because it's not only here in Nkurenkuru; the compensation demand is all over the country. But knock at our doors so that we can compensate those who are closer, and then those who are at a distance can maybe wait for the next financial year, but knock at our doors to make sure that at least we compensate those who are closer."

Speaking on behalf of the house owners, Mandume Seiya said she was glad to have obtained proper shelter, but he implored the town council to provide residents with electricity.

Celebrating her achievement, Rebecca Kandjamba called on the youth to seriously consider the Shack Dwellers Federation programme.

Photo Credits
Ministry of Urban and Rural Development


Elizabeth Mwengo