Authored on
Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

The National Council resumed business today.

The National Council, or House of Review, reviews bills passed or referred to by the lower house, the National Assembly, and addresses regional concerns.

When it resumed today, the session began with a moment of silence in honour of the late former Education, Arts, and Culture Minister, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa.

 The National Council's Chairperson, Lukas Muha, emphasised the importance of purposeful deliberation, highlighting unity as a cornerstone of effective governance.

He underscored the council's role in shaping legislation that addresses both national and regional concerns.

"We shall consider the four bills passed and referred to us for review by the National Assembly. These bills are: the Electoral Amendment Bill, Bill 15 of 2024, Marriage Bill, Bill 5 of 2024, Property Practitioner Bill, Bill 01 of 2024; and Road Fund Administration Amendment Bill, Bill 14 of 2024. The National Council shall also consider 8 reports of the National Council Standing Committee and Inter-Parliamentary Cluster reports in accordance with Article 74, Sub-Article 2, together with Article 59, Sub-Article 3. We shall as well consider all other reports to be tabled in this house during this session."

He emphasised the importance of every citizen exercising their democratic rights by registering and voting in the upcoming elections.

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NBC Digital News


Martha Mwafangeyo