The management of Oshigambo High School and the Ministry of Education officials have reached a consensus that has allowed learners to go back to school.
A letter dated July 13 from the school to parents and guardians indicates that the pending issue was resolved and parents were requested to send their children to school and ignore the first communique.
School Board Chairperson Reverent Simon Iitula says the recent dispute at Oshigambo High School has been successfully resolved, thanking the office Executive Director in the Ministry of Education for prompt intervention in the matter.
He says the involvement of Sanet Steenkamp was influential in finding an amicable solution to the issue that was raised.
The issue at hand stemmed from a school decision to expel two learners whom school officials said were not conforming to the school's rules. This decision, however, resulted in the Oshikoto Regional Education Directorate stopping payment of monthly subsidies to the school, saying the suspensions were unprocedural.
According to close sources, the Ministry of Education is said to have released the N$360,000 subsidy to the school.
Oshigambo High School is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN)-run school that is home to 471 learners from grades 8 to 12.
Report: Ndapanda Shuuya
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