Some Members of the National Council are worried that the Divorce Bill may have the potential to discriminate against one gender, especially spousal maintenance and value for money rather than love.

The bill is designed to handle issues such as spousal and child support, financial matters in divorce, and annulment of marriages.

Independent Member of Parliament Paulus Mbangu and NUDO's Peter Kazongomuinja shared their opinions on the Divorce Bill.

Paulus Mbangu stressed that spousal maintenance should be fair for both men and women and suggested that marriages lasting less than a year should not qualify for spousal support.

He therefore proposed that spousal maintenance agreements be reviewed periodically to avoid misuse, especially if one partner might be involved in other relationships.

On the other hand, Peter Kazongomuinja of NUDO called for a return to traditional values in marriage.

He is worried that today's marriages focus more on money than love.

Kazongomuinja believes that respect and submission are essential for lasting marriages and is concerned that these values are fading.

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Martha Mwafangeyo