Junior MPs in the National Council voiced their worries about government schools' poor infrastructure as well as a lack of hostels, highlighting their impact on the learning environment. 

Infrastructure is a contributing factor when it comes to education. However, MP Sam Malenga raised concerns about unhygienic and dilapidated sanitation facilities.

Malenga called on private stakeholders to continue partnering with the government to improve school infrastructure, arguing that better facilities can reduce inequalities and ensure that all learners have access to quality education.

"We have rural and urban areas whereby education is a mandate to all these areas, but how is it that the ones with proper infrastructure are those in urban areas? Why is it that we neglect those from villages? Why deprive them of their rights to education?"

MP Sofia Chakwanda stressed the importance of proper and well-maintained infrastructure as they motivate learners to attend regularly.

She also mentioned that in her region, Kunene, the living conditions for teachers are unacceptable.

"As I am speaking right now, in a school in the Kunene Region, learners sleep on lockers; they do not have mattresses. How do you expect a learner to go to school and concentrate in class while he/she sleeps on a locker?"

MP Klemeno Kamberuka pointed out the shortage of hostels in the Kavango West Region, where many learners must travel long distances to school.

Kamberuka said the few hostels available are insufficient to meet the needs of the students.

MP Simeon Kamhulu supported Kamberuka's concerns, adding that the lack of hostels leads to teenage pregnancies and learners arriving at school intoxicated.

He also highlighted poor fencing of schools, particularly in the Omusati Region—a risk to learners.

During the debate, Seldon Boois questioned the feasibility of introducing digital technologies such as tablets in schools while basic infrastructure improvements are still needed.

He argued that without addressing issues such as broken windows and lack of furniture, implementing digital solutions will be challenging.

MP Julia Tsowases pointed out that overcrowded classrooms due to a shortage of space result in poor ventilation and limited student engagement.

The MPs agree that improving school infrastructure is crucial before advancing to digital technology and other enhancements.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Martha Mwafangeyo