Namibia's Ambassador to France, Albertus !Aochamub, says the longstanding and evolving relationship between Namibia and France, which dates back to the Namibian liberation movement, continues to blossom.

!Aochamub noted France's crucial role in supporting anti-apartheid efforts and facilitating Namibia's 1989 elections through its involvement in the Western Five Contact Group at the United Nations.

The ambassador emphasised that the relationship has deepened over the years, particularly in cultural and environmental arenas.

The Franco-Namibian Cultural Center remains a key partnership, where Namibia provides the infrastructure and France the cultural content, promoting exchanges between the two nations, !Aochamub stated.

On climate action, the ambassador said that France's ongoing support through the Global Climate Fund and a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding between the French Development Agency and Namibia's Environmental Investment Fund.

"In the last four years, France has significantly bolstered Namibia's decarbonization efforts, supporting conservation and climate resilience programs."

He also mentioned Namibia's growing partnership with French companies exploring green energy solutions and advanced technologies, as well as ongoing discussions about new framework agreements that will further define key areas of cooperation.

!Aochamub highlighted a burgeoning relationship with France's overseas territory, the Réunion Island, where Namibian beef and wood pellets for biomass energy are now in demand.

"Namibian wood pellets will soon play a major role in Réunion's energy transition, and we expect this export to reach 20 million euros annually by 2025."

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Emil Xamro Seibeb