Rehoboth has made important strides in improving access to education.

Against this background, the Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, officially inaugurated new facilities, including Acacia Primary School and the Vooruitsig Combined School Hostel.

Additionally, the |Anes Secondary School has also opened its doors.

Rehoboth is a small town with many learners, and local schools often struggle to accommodate them.

The new facilities will help ensure they have a safe place to learn and avoid roaming around the streets after classes.

Acacia Primary School, which has been operational for three years, received new classrooms funded by the Methodist Church.

Acting Regional Director Asumptha Kaoseb elaborated that the event focuses on the importance of physical infrastructure in education.

She noted that these facilities can only reach their full potential with rolling funding and support.

"Let us use the resources that we already have with our existing schools, new classrooms, as well as Vooruitsig Hostel and Anes Secondary School, to make sure that the access we have now becomes equitable and quality education."

The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, highlighted that this year is recognised as the Year of Education in Africa, emphasising the important role education plays in a nation's growth.

She stressed the importance of building a strong educational foundation and acknowledged that while Namibia has made progress, there is still work to be done to achieve quality education for all.

"Based on the 15th-day school statistics of this year, Hardap Region enrolled 29,590 learners across the phase. Total in the country, summing up to 890,000, about to reach a million children in schools. No child must be turned back when it comes to admission because they can't pay. Every child must be given a chance to enter preprimary, grade 1, or grade 8."

Caley also urged everyone to take care of the new facilities and reminded attendees to take care and honour the country's future leaders.

Regional Councillor Eduard Wambo expressed his gratitude to those who worked tirelessly to complete the construction of these new schools, acknowledging the challenges faced along the way.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Martha Mwafangeyo