Namibia Film Week launched


The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Modestus Amutse, officially launched Namibia Film Week, delivering a message of pride and celebration in the art of local storytelling. 

Filmmakers advocate for business approach to elevate film industry


Creatives in the film industry explored ways to approach filmmaking from a business perspective. 

Some believe that the film industry in Namibia is finally being recognised as a legitimate field, and it's time to shift the perception that it cannot be pursued as a viable career.

Invest more in the film industry - Dr. Williams Ijoma


A Nigerian filmmaker says film has a way of introducing nations. Therefore, there is a need for investment in this industry.

Dr. Williams Ijoma said this in an interview with nbc News.

Film industry in need of Funding


Funding has always been a challenge for the film industry's growth, and corporations reluctance to fund has stiffened the film industry.

Film industry welcomes Mukorob


Veteran film industry players say the launch of the nbc-Multi-Choice Namibia Mukorob Project last week is the right step towards growing the industry, which has been moving at a snail's pace.