

NID meets ECN to emphasize voter registration and education importance


The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) held a meeting with the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) to discuss the importance of voter registration and voter education.

The meeting was also meant to cement the two bodies' relations by strengthening democratic processes through collaboration and ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard.

The NID is already conducting civic education, voter education, and voter registration, and is looking forward to all eligible voters registering for the November national elections.


Low turn-out at registration points a concern


With two weeks already passed in the voter registration period and only seven weeks remaining until the final deadline, concerns are growing about the low turnout on weekends at registration points in Katutura's East and Central constituencies.

NBC reporter Johanna !Uri≠Khos visited the registration points, where she observed fewer than a hundred registrations recorded in each constituency on Saturday morning.

In an effort to encourage residents, ECN officials are urging people to register to vote and emphasizing the importance of participating in the democratic process.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Voter registration points across Windhoek operating smoothly


The voter registration points across Windhoek are operating smoothly despite a delay in starting and minor problems with the voter card-printing machine. 

At the Khomasdal UNAM campus, the team had to be moved from the initial venue due to exam writing.

However, the team was swift in setting up the new venue. 

While at Marthi Ahtisaari Primary School in Wanaheda, people braved the cold wind in the open area to queue up to register. 

ECN initiates vehicle scouting for November elections


The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has started scouting for vehicles to be used in the November national elections.

The exercise, which started on Wednesday, saw a larger number of private vehicle owners turn up at the Otjomusie Police Station for inspection and testing. 

The Manager of Communications and Marketing at the ECN, De Wet Siluka, says the commission needs 997 vehicles to effectively and efficiently carry out the voting exercise.

The testing and inspection of the vehicles will run until May 17th.

Eduaction key to preparing learners for green hydrogen opportunities


Education is the key to accessing opportunities for development presented by both the Namibian government and through the country's natural resources.

This was said by Swapo Party member Verna Sinimbo at Sifuha Village in the Zambezi Region.

Addressing community members at Sinufa village as the political leader assigned to the Kabbe North district in the Zambezi Region, Sinimbo underlined the importance of education in preparing children to take advantage of opportunities in the fields, especially green hydrogen, and the oil and gas industry in Namibia.

Namibia's Boundaries Delimitation Commission gears up for election-year


There is much work expected of the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission.

This is in line with the Year of Expectations and Elections, as declared by the late President Hage Geingob.

President Nangolo Mbumba emphasised this during the appointment of commissioners for the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission.

Article 104 of the Namibian Constitution authorises the President to appoint a Boundaries Delimation and Demarcation Commission every 10 years.