Nujoma's remains will return to Windhoek on Thursday


As regional memorial services conclude, the remains of the late Founding President will depart from Keetmanshoop to arrive at the Hosea Kutako International Airport at 06:00 on Thursday morning.

Nujoma's support for the business community is cherished


Outapi-based businessman Tona Amadhila says the late Founding President not only fought for the liberation of the country but also ensured opportunities for local businesses to thrive and contribute to the country's economy.

Namibians are grateful for Nujoma's years of sacrifice


The Deputy Minister of Higher Education Natalia |Goagoses says, that before apartheid came to Namibia, Namibians lived together as Africans, guided by the spirit of "Ubuntu'' an ancient African phrase meaning 'humanity unto others'.

Omaheke mourners remember Dr. Nujoma as a "Man of Action"


Mourners in the Omaheke Region described the late Dr. Sam Nujoma as a man of action who possessed unique leadership abilities and always paid attention to the cries of the people, upon which he acted promptly.

Dr. Sam Nujoma honored as "Strategist" who freed Walvis Bay


Dr. Sam Nujoma was remembered at Walvis Bay, as a patient strategist who liberated the harbour town from decades of colonialism and looting.

Liberation struggle veteran Ben Amathila delivered a historical tribute to the Founding President during the memorial service at Walvis Bay.