|Khomas Regional Council assesses various projects


The |Khomas Regional Council visited various project sites in Windhoek to assess progress and engage with site managers.

The project involves the construction of classrooms at two schools, as well as the improvement of A. Shipena Secondary School's sports field.

Works Ministry reports progress on roads in Omaheke


The Minister of Works and Transport is satisfied with the progress made on both the Talismanus-Gobabis and Du Plessis Plaas to Epukiro Post 3 road upgrading to low volume seal standard.

John Mutorwa took a site visit to evaluate advancement on both roads under construction in the Omaheke Region.

Decline in HIV/AIDS funding stalls progress


Efforts to achieve the goal of ending AIDS by 2030 are stalling due to an increase in new infections in some global regions.

Additionally, there exists a substantial annual funding gap of US$9.5 billion for the global HIV response to boost resources.

Progress on National Sex Offenders' Register


The Minister of Justice, Yvonne Dausab, says the ministry has made progress with regards to draft legislation on a National Sex Offenders' Register.

Dausab is hopeful that the existence of such a register could deter would-be sexual offenders.

Uuvudhiya water canal progress


The rehabilitation work on the Namwater canal from Olushandja Dam to Uuvudhiya Constituency, stretching over 130 kilometres, is said to be progressing well.

The N$3 million project is funded by the Office of the Prime Minister and is expected to be completed by September this year.