Lieutenant General Shikongo pledges to protect journalists


Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo has vowed that the Namibian Police will ensure and uphold the safeguarding and protection of journalists in the country.

The Inspector General was speaking at the Training of Trainers Workshop on Freedom of Expression and the Safety of Journalists in Windhoek.

MoEAC hosts public discussion on social protection for artisans


The Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture (MoEAC), in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), hosted a public discussion on social protection for Namibian artists and cultural professionals.

Emma Theofelus launches ROAM-X


The Internet is rapidly changing the face of public service and making daily life easier.

Since Artificial Intelligence and other technologies have been evolving with the internet ecosystem, it has become important to assess how people engage with them.

Namibia education system in crisis


The Deputy Executive Director of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture says the education system is in crisis.

Edda Bohn attributes the current state of affairs in education, including the poor performance of learners in the new curriculum, to the economic recession experienced prior to 2016.

UNESCO has made positive impact on the lives of Namibians


UNESCO has helped make a positive impact on the lives of many and has established a fruitful relationship with Namibia.

The Namibia National Commission for UNESCO has assisted Namibia in the promotion of peace and international understanding, through intellectual cooperation.