Otavi Constituency Councillor George !Garab says a portion of the resettlement farm, Neu Sommerau, must be incorporated into Kombat Settlement.

This, he said, would allow residents on the resettlement farm to acquire proper residential plots.

!Garab says if a portion of Neu Sommerau is made part of Kombat, residents can build proper houses through programmes such as Build Together.

"Two years ago, the council took a resolution and wrote a letter to the Minister of Agriculture to request that he listen to the plight of the people of Neu Sommerau, and to date, we are waiting for the response from the Minister. Once that incorporation is approved by the Minister, obviously those residing in Kombat itself can have plots. Why are we saying this? Once the mines start operations, people will flock to Kombat. We must be ready to accommodate our people."

He says Kombat has the potential to become a village council in the near future, as it has proper infrastructure.



Eveline Paulus