A motion that seeks to ratify the agreement between Namibia and Cuba for the transfer of convicted persons has been tabled in the National Assembly.

This agreement underscores commitment to the social rehabilitation of offenders, enabling them to serve their sentences in their home countries.

Tabling the motion, the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Lucia Witbooi, explained that serving in her own country will help the reintegration efforts, reduce the burden on the host country's facility, and allow the offender to be closer to their support networks.

"The transfer of foreign convicted persons to serve their sentences in their home countries is an alternative way of implementing a sentence. All things being equal, persons who serve their sentences in their home countries can be rehabilitated, socialised, and reintegrated into the community better than elsewhere. This is a positive reason for transferring sentenced persons to a state with which they have social links to serve their sentence."

She further stressed that by ratifying the agreement, Namibia demonstrates a commitment to upholding the principle of justice and human rights.

It also shows unity, compassion, and commitment to the rehabilitation of individuals within the justice system.

"The ratification of this agreement will enable Cuban nationals who can be in our correctional facilities to be considered for transfer to their mother country, thus easing the overcrowding in some of our correctional facilities and also saving the government funds that can be used by these offenders."

As of June this year, there were no Cuban nationals in correctional facilities in Namibia and no reports of Namibian nationals incarcerated in Cuba either.

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NBC Digital News


Joleni Shihapela