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National Assembly rallies behind Cuba


The National Assembly has condemned the continued listing of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism by the US, arguing it undermines Cuba's contributions to international peace and security. 

On April 16, 2024, the National Assembly passed a resolution urging the US to delist Cuba.

The resolution highlights Namibia's solidarity with Cuba, condemns the unfounded US designation, and addresses the severe humanitarian impact of the associated sanctions on Cuba's economy and its people. 

Cuba mourns death of Namibian president


Cuba has decreed an official day and a half of mourning in honour of the memory of the late President Hage Geingob.

In making the announcement, Diaz-Canel stated that the late Dr. Geingob demonstrated enormous affection and friendship for Cuba as President, Prime Minister, and throughout his life, from his time as a tireless fighter for the independence of Namibia.

President Diaz-Canel therefore declared an official mourning period, which started at six this morning in Cuban time. It will end at noon tomorrow (Tuesday).

Namibia to intensify support for Cuba


Namibia will intensify its efforts to strengthen support for Cuba, particularly in the areas of health, education, and the economy in general.

This was revealed by Eunice Iipinge, the president of the Pan African Women Organisation (PAWO), in an interview with our sister programme, Good Morning Namibia.

Namibia was once again reminded to strengthen its commitment to the Cuban revolution at the 7th African Continental meeting held in South Africa last week.

187 UN member states vote to end US sanctions on on Cuba


The draft UN resolution calling for the end of the US economic embargo has been adopted after 187 UN member states voted in support of the resolution.

The 187 member states argued that the US decision to ignore the previous resolutions of the World Body with impunity was unacceptable.

The blockade, imposed in 1962, has reached extreme levels, continues to demonstrate the centrality of US foreign policy on Cuba, and undermines all diplomatic efforts.

Cuban President concludes state visit


Cuba's President, Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel y Bermúdez, has concluded his state visit to Namibia.

President Díaz-Canel graced the Heroes Day commemoration as the guest of honour, where he was also bestowed with the Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia mirabilis, First Class, by President Hage Geingob.

The Cuban leader also paid tribute to Namibia's fallen heroes and heroines, reverently laying a wreath at the Heroes Acre.

This state visit additionally marked the signing of three pivotal agreements between the governments of Cuba and Namibia. 

President Geingob honoured by Cuba


Cuba has bestowed its highest honour, the Order of José Martí, on President Hage Geingob.

President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez made the announcement at State House in Windhoek.

The Order of José Martí is Cuba's state national honour, and President Geingob is the second Namibian leader to have been awarded it.

Founding President Sam Nujoma previously received the award, named after Cuba's national hero and symbol of the island nation's struggle for independence.

Namibia, Cuba sign three agreements to expand cooperation


Namibia and Cuba have signed three agreements to expand cooperation in various fields.

The agreements govern trade, political, and diplomatic consultations, as well as the exchange of prisoners convicted in either country.

nbc News State House Correspondent Blanche Goreses spoke to Namibia's Ambassador to Cuba, Samuel |Goagoseb for more detail around the agreements.

Namibia, Cuba to explore new areas of economic cooperation


Namibia and Cuba will explore new areas of economic cooperation during the three-day state visit of Cuba's President Miguel Diaz Canel-Bermudez.

Ahead of the Heroes' Day commemoration, President Hage Geingob and First Lady Monica Geingos welcomed the Cuban leader and First Lady, Lis Cuesta Peraza, at State House.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, says the visit cements the traditional friendship between the two countries, which is slowly translating into economic trade.

NA speaker proposes motion on Cuba


The Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjavivi, has put forth a motion in parliament on Cuba.

Katjavivi's proposal, submitted on Thursday during a meeting with the newly accredited Cuban Ambassador to Namibia, Sergio Vigoa de la Uz, calls for the lifting of the United States embargo on Cuba.

The Cuban diplomat commended Namibia for its unwavering support in calling for the lifting of the embargo.