Stakeholders dealing with water affairs, specifically officials from the Water Ministry, the Namwater CEO and his officials, and regional and local authority officials led by Oshana and Omusati Governors, are gathered at Outapi to discuss water crisis-related matters in the Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, and Ohangwena regions.

Most of the challenges raised at the meeting that hamper effective water provision to the communities in the northern regions include low water pressure in all the northern regions.

Other concerns are unsuitable underground water due to saline, ageing water infrastructure, high theft of water infrastructure, and lack of water tank trucks to ferry water to the affected communities.

For an amicable solution to provide suitable clean drinking water to the affected communities in the northern regions, especially in rural areas, there is a need to drill boreholes, upgrade or set up new water treatment plants, construct booster pumps, and set up desalination plants in some areas, which can only be done if funds are available.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Tonateni Haimbodi