The disturbing trend of taking one's own life continues into the first week of the year.
The latest police report reveals five cases of suicide this week, all by men.
In the Hardap Region, a 55-year-old Gibeon resident only known as Niklaas and employed as a shepherd at a local farm was found hanging from a tree.
He was discovered at Farm Eitsamub, about 62 kilometres from Gibeon by a neighbour and might have committed the deed between Wednesday and Thursday.
Moving to the ||Kharas Region where an inquest docket has been opened after David Isaak, a 55-year-old resident of Kronlein's body, was discovered on Thursday hanging from a tree.
He was last seen sitting near the same tree he was found hanging. The police suspect no foul play.
A 20-year-old Angolan national was found hanging from a tree at Oshana Shangali village, in the Oshikoto Region, on Friday.
According to the report, the deceased allegedly complained of a headache the previous day. No suicide note was left behind.
Mateca Capundo, a 49-year-old Angolan male from Enariwa village in the Omusati Region, was discovered lifeless by his girlfriend on Saturday.
Capundo allegedly hanged himself from the roof of the traditional hut and left no suicide note.
The last suicide in the report came from the Oshana Region, where 44-year-old Fillemon Weyulu who was admitted to Oshakati State Hospital's Ward 16A hanged himself with a hospital sheet.
The nurses on duty discovered Weyulu's body hanging from a window burglar bar.
According to figures provided by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, 542 suicide cases were reported last year.
Male adults topped the suicide list at 449, followed by female adults at 80, male children at 8, and five children female.
Those having suicidal thoughts are urged to reach out to a Minister of Health or Gender social worker or health professionals at a local clinic.
Lifeline/Childline is also open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, including on public holidays. and can be contacted on 116 or 106—toll-free or SMS to 081 3985510.
Contacting the local police is also an option.