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High stock theft cases in the Omaheke Region's Aminuis Constituency are causing concern among farming communities.

Farmers say they are losing donkeys and small stock, and more than 50 animals were stolen during the past two months.

Hence, the community called upon the Namibian Police Force to tighten up its operation around the corridors and the constituency at large.

Speaking at a community meeting at Corridor 22, NamPol's Regional Commander Andreas Haingura says the police alone cannot successfully combat stock theft, hence the need for residents in the area to cooperate.

However, Commissioner Haingura was quick to point out that the lack of transport at all three police stations in the Aminuis constituency is making it difficult to combat stock theft.

"What I want to see from farmers is: let us look after our animals; let us not give thieves an opportunity because that cow will be stolen and you will only realize three months later that the money has been spent; meat is already sold from farmers; my appeal is: let us also look after our animals; let us know where our animals are."

Haingura also urged farming communities to always brand their livestock properly for easier traceability.

Also speaking at the meeting about the impact of stock theft was constituency leader Peter Kazongominja.

"Really being the only source of income is a setback when you lose one small or large stock. Now talk of 50 or 60 because these people are grabbing; they don't have numbers; they can even take the entire kraal. It is a setback for the owner."

Photo Credits
New Era Newspaper


Ngarije Kavari