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Grootfontein Municipality prepares 2024/25 budget


The Grootfontein Municipality recently began consulting with stakeholders as part of its process to prepare its budget for the financial year 2024/2025.

Despite extensive invitations by the municipality using all instruments of information dissemination, only a small number of Grootfontein residents showed interest.

The disappointed acting chief executive officer, Indileni Lungameni, says the trend of poor attendance by residents has come a long way, adding that pensioners are the only ones attending.

Otjiwarongo Municipality shares budget with residents


In a groundbreaking move for the Otjiwarongo Municipality, the council's budget was publicly shared with the community for the first time.

According to Gothard Hoko, the chairperson of the management council, the purpose of this move is to inform community members about the council's plans, projects, and other activities, as many residents do not attend council meetings.

During the public meeting at the community hall, updates were also provided on road maintenance, water infrastructure, and expansions, including waste water treatment and street renaming.

National Council approves MURD's budget


The National Council has approved a budget of over N$2 billion for the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.

Some MPs, however, urged the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Public Service Commission and the Secretary of the Cabinet, to promptly explore the activation of the Directorate of Integration Development within regional councils.

Zambezi Regional Council prepares to host 34th Independence celebration


The Zambezi Regional Council is ready to host the 34th Independence Celebration for the first time since independence.

Zambezi Governor, Alufea Sampofu, says all logistics have been put in place, and the established Regional Preparatory Committee is hard at work to ensure that come March 21st, it's all systems go.

The Zambezi Regional Council is ready to host about 10,000 people at the Katima Mulilo Sports Complex, and Sampofu is looking forward to hosting the guests.

!Nami#Nus Constituency Councillor welcomes budget allocation towards bulk services


The !Nami#Nus Constituency Councillor Susan Ndjaleka has commended the government for allocating N$141 million in the 2024/25 national budget for bulk services and infrastructure development to Luderitz and Aus. 

Ndjaleka remarked on this at the recent launch of the annual Luderitz Crayfish Festival. 

!Nami#nus Councillor says the budget allocation is driven by the anticipation of the high influx of people triggered by the development of green hydrogen as well as the oil and gas industry at Luderitz. 

Finance Minister tables N$100.1 billion national budget


Finance and Public Enterprises Minister Iipumbu Shiimi tabled a N$100.1 billion national budget in the National Assembly this afternoon.

This is the first time Namibia's national budget exceeds the N$100 billion mark.

Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi tabled his fifth full budget under the theme, 'Continuing the Legacy of His Excellency, President Hage G. Geingob, by Caring for the Namibian Child'.

Limited resources hampers veteran fund projects


The Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs, Frans Kapofi, has explained that the Namibian government's commitment to disburse funding for veterans' projects is hampered by the constraints imposed by limited resources.

He was addressing the challenges impeding the progress of project funding in response to questions from Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Elma Dienda during a parliamentary session.

Kapofi recalled the recent parliamentary approval of the budget, which included provisions to fund projects for veterans.

Strict measures needed to monitor budget implementation


A strong parliament budget office is needed to analyse and take action with regards to debt strategy as well as budget monitoring.

This is contained in a presentation by Macroeconomic Expert Dr. Omu Kakujaha-Matundu during the 2023–2024 Mid-Year Budget Analysis and Advocacy meeting for MPs.

Dr. Kakujaha-Matundu explained that the aim is to capacitate MPs to hold ministries accountable for failing to execute their duties as per the allocated budgets.