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President Mbumba emphasises true independence as fundamental to national success


President Nangolo Mbumba says true independence is fundamental to the success and credibility of any nation, as it is the only way people can obtain their dignity and full humanity.

Dr. Mbumba was speaking at the 34th Independence Day celebrations at Katima Mulilo today, where thousands of people from the region and visitors gathered to witness the first national independence celebration in the region.

The event was festive as residents gathered to witness performances of the Namibia Defence Force (NDF), which is mostly liked by everyone.

Liberation Struggle veteran welcomes Independence celebrations at Katima Mulilo



A veteran of the Liberation Struggle, Ellen Musialela, has welcomed the government’s decision to host Namibia’s 34th Independence celebrations at Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region. 

The region, at the time known as the Caprivi Strip, was an important gateway to freedom, with many freedom fighters and refugees crossing into neighbouring Zambia through the area. 

While the Caprivi Strip was initially isolated, by the 1970s, more and more Namibians were crossing into exile through Caprivi. 

Namibians reminded of hard won independence


Swapo Party Regional Mobilisation and Information Officer for the Zambezi Region, Dorothy Kabuka, has reminded residents of Masida Village in Linyanti District that Namibia's independence was not granted on a silver platter but came as a result of war, both within and from exile.

Kabula implored the community to remember the elders who remained inside Namibia, fighting underground by various means, and went through suffering and torture at the hands of the colonial South African Regime.

Kabuka addressed a belated Heroes Day commemoration on Sunday at Masida village.

33 years of sporting excellence



Sport analysts Mathew Haikali and Salome Iyambo sat down to discuss the choice of sport codes available to sportswomen and men, thirty-three years after independence on nbc's Intersport Show recently. Here are some of the insights they shared.

Since gaining independence in 1990, Namibia has made massive strides in various sectors, including sports.

Namibian sportsmen and women have always participated in a variety of sport codes, with diverse options available to choose from.

Kunene Region most under developed 33 years after independence


33 years after independence, the Kunene Region remains one of the most underdeveloped regions in the country, and its administrative leadership says it is doing all it can with the available resources to change the dire status quo.

Scores of people wandering the dusty streets of the Kunene regional capital, Opuwo, paint the picture of a public holiday, but it remains a normal working day.

The town of Opuwo has many government offices, though few private firms are visible, and residents wandering the streets are predominantly unemployed.

Omusati Region has seen significant growth and development since independence


The great Omusati Region, like many others, has seen significant growth and development since the country's independence.

The region's name, Omusati, comes from the Mopane tree, known in the local vernacular as omusati, which is the dominant tree species across the region.
The region, which is home to about 243,000 inhabitants, has six local authorities, which are Oshikuku, Okahao, Oshifo, Ruacana, Tsandi, and Outapi as its capital, and the officially proclaimed Onandjaba with two settlements, Onesi and Ogongo.

Nationhood and National Pride Campaign a success


The declaration of Namibia's independence in 1990 implied that Namibian people would forever live in unity and take pride in their nationhood.

The My Nationhood and National Pride Campaign Program was introduced to ensure that the spirit of unity, peace, stability, and pride will forever live on among Namibians.

With its popular slogan 'My Namibia, My Country, My Pride,' the Nationhood and National Pride Campaign was first launched in May 2011 by former President Hifikepunye Pohamba.